Become a Data Mesh Learning Deputy Today!

Today we are announcing the launch of the Data Mesh Learning Deputy Program, which aims to recognize members of the data mesh community who are helpful, engaged and actively participating in activities that help educate users along their data mesh journey. We hope this program will give our community members a chance to uplevel their involvement and play a more active role in helping data mesh end users. 

Data Mesh Learning Deputies are trusted members of the community and take a prominent role in community projects. Their efforts include: 

  • Helping educate other end users by providing written, educational content that aids in the understanding and advancement of data mesh (blogs and whitepapers);
  • Contributing to the monthly Data Mesh Learning community newsletter;
  • Providing support to others in the data mesh community by answering questions or sharing their expertise; 
  • Hosting roundtable discussions that unite other data mesh end users; 
  • Collaborating with others in the community to help advance data mesh; and 
  • Welcoming new members into the Data Mesh Learning community. 

Are you passionate about data mesh? Have you been on a data mesh journey and have knowledge to share? Are you part of an organization that has made a major shift to data mesh and want to help other organizations who are on a similar path? We invite you to apply to become a Data Mesh Learning Deputy

The Data Mesh Learning community serves as the center of gravity for conversations about data mesh. It’s where more than 7,000 data leaders and practitioners connect with their peers to seek answers about organizational and engineering best practices, and to research related technologies. We hope that you’ll consider joining the Deputy Program and help take our community to the next level. 

Data Mesh Learning Community Resources

Ways to Participate

Check out our Meetup page to catch an upcoming event. Let us know if you’re interested in sharing a case study or use case with the community. Data Mesh Learning Community Resources