New Whitepaper! Getting Data Mesh Buy-in

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Data Mesh Buy-In: Take the Survey 

One of the top questions we hear in the Data Mesh Learning community is “how did you get buy-in for data mesh” followed by “where do I start?”

Organizations like PayPal and Roche are at the forefront of data mesh as they’ve been on their data mesh journey for several years. Their successes are inspiring others to get started, and the Data Mesh Learning community wants to help. We have launched a short survey to compile insights from the data mesh community and will be producing a series of whitepapers to help guide people throughout their data mesh journey.

If you’re are pursuing data mesh at your company–no matter what stage–we invite you to take this survey to help us (and others) understand: 

  • WHO are the data mesh decision makers and what resources (budget, training, etc) are needed to begin data mesh implementation;
  • WHY organizations are looking to pursue data mesh;
  • WHAT are the drivers to data mesh implementation including concerns and technology considerations; and 
  • HOW is data mesh effectively implemented, including best practices?

Survey responses will be shared publicly and used to write a whitepaper to help inform and share best practices for those looking to pursue a data mesh approach. Survey respondents will be entered into a drawing to win a first-ever exclusive data mesh t-shirt!

The survey will be open until midnight PT on Sept 8 (or until we get about 200 responses). The data gathered from this survey will remain confidential and we will not contact you for any reason other than what’s expressly indicated in the survey itself. Questions can be directed to

We appreciate your time and look forward to sharing the results! 

Ways to Participate

Check out our Meetup page to catch an upcoming event. Let us know if you’re interested in sharing a case study or use case with the community. Data Mesh Learning Community Resources